The Fanthorpes’ Christmas Saga December 2007
Our thanks to Phil, who runs our Internet
So many hits upon our site we get,
And Binda mans our web-shop — books to sell —
Those two good friends look after us so well.
I started teaching back in fifty-eight
So next year is the fiftieth on my plate!
Career has taken me from East to West —
Cardiff Academy I like the best.
On January second News Review,
BBC Wales — a job I love to do.
On January sixth Thought for the Day
BBC Kent — from Wales that’s quite a way!
Then lecturing at the University —
Creative Writing Course — good place to be.
In February’s wind and driving rain,
At Blackwood I am lecturing again.
Young Writers’ Workshop there — creative teens
Did characters and plots and setting scenes.
Then Taylor Herring broadcasts to promote
The “Heroes” TV shows — they get my vote.
Fiona, Zac and Katie came to stay —
Then we were working in the USA.
It took us out to Washington DC
For educational consultancy.
In March we did a broadcast out to Spain
For REM — by phone and not by plane!
We stayed with Theo and the family
In Fakenham for a talk on mystery.
Saw Jim and Anna there — came to support us —
And lots of Norfolk news they kindly brought us.
Mensa at Malvern — lectured about Time —
Its mysteries and secrets are sublime.
In April with George Noory Coast to Coast
He is an absolutely splendid host.
We talked of our new Time book — published by
The Dundurn Group, Toronto. At Versailles —
Last year’s adventures in that book are placed:
The time-slip teachers’ journeys we retraced .
In June, the dinner in King Arthur’s Hall —
A very pleasant evening we recall.
Boscastle Witch Museum: photographs
Of the enchanters and their magic staffs.
Our next book’s about Voodoo: we can state
It will be out in two thousand and eight!
Radio Canada for interview —
We hope that helps to sell a book or two!
Steph and Patricia had a lovely day
Riding the Ferris Wheel in Cardiff Bay.
On Monday nights they have Ruff dancing fun
They’re tired but happy when the dancing’s done!
To Oxford as an ASSAP speaker went —
We are First Lady and their President.
Then on to London — more research on book —
British Museum’s a good place to look.
The Langstone Cliff Hotel, close to Torquay:
A treat for Golden Anniversary,
(This followed on September’s seventh day.)
Saw Iain and Fiona on their way
To tramp around the rugged Princetown Tors
We drove to Widecombe amidst the moors.
Another August trip was when I went
To film a TV show in Broadhurst, Kent.
A BBC commission in September
To write for Countryfile we well remember.
Its first edition lit October’s scene —
It really is a first rate magazine.
September seventh came — Oh! What a day!
A huge stretch limo took us on our way
To a great meal — with Cardiff Bay our goal —
We filled ourselves with wine and Dover sole!
Our loving, generous family were our hosts —
And they proposed our Golden Wedding toasts.
Rick sent a glorious golden-violin frog —
Andy’s great extracts came from Captain’s Log.
We filmed in Shugborough next for French TV:
The Poussin Shepherds there: a mystery!
Then on the bike (big 1500 twin)
Riding with Jumbo for our annual spin.
To Twycross Zoo with all the kids we went —
I’m proud and honoured to be President.
We also had a really marvellous time
Lecturing in Newcastle-under-Lyme.
Then in October lecturing again —
For Funeral Directors to explain
How, when death strikes a loved one, they can give
Their sympathy and help to those who live.
I was extremely honoured and delighted
By Blue Knights Motorcyclists when invited
To be their Chaplain for Wales Chapter One:
My work among those friends has just begun.
Happy to lecture for the APIS day,
A great occasion held down Bedford way.
To speak of unsolved mysteries was our aim:
From the O’Dells a generous welcome came.
We lectured next at Witchfest , Fairfield Hall
In Croydon — where the audience was not small.
David and John — our marvellous Croydon friends
Take care of us so well when lecture ends.
In libraries in Cardiff in December
We’re lecturing again — days to remember.
If you are able to get Coast to Coast
Via Internet, or other radio host,
I’m reading Scrooge and Christmas Poem through
On Christmas Eve and on the main day too.
On Christmas Day we shall be having fun
With Stephanie and Moz and everyone
Round at their house: and yes, we have to mention
They’ve got a marvellous new kitchen extension.
That’s the two thousand seven Saga done,
Our love and blessings go to everyone.
May joy and gladness enter at your gate
As you go through two zero zero eight.
May happiness and health ride your life’s train:
Patricia, Lionel and his sister Jane.
So many hits upon our site we get,
And Binda mans our web-shop — books to sell —
Those two good friends look after us so well.
I started teaching back in fifty-eight
So next year is the fiftieth on my plate!
Career has taken me from East to West —
Cardiff Academy I like the best.
On January second News Review,
BBC Wales — a job I love to do.
On January sixth Thought for the Day
BBC Kent — from Wales that’s quite a way!
Then lecturing at the University —
Creative Writing Course — good place to be.
In February’s wind and driving rain,
At Blackwood I am lecturing again.
Young Writers’ Workshop there — creative teens
Did characters and plots and setting scenes.
Then Taylor Herring broadcasts to promote
The “Heroes” TV shows — they get my vote.
Fiona, Zac and Katie came to stay —
Then we were working in the USA.
It took us out to Washington DC
For educational consultancy.
In March we did a broadcast out to Spain
For REM — by phone and not by plane!
We stayed with Theo and the family
In Fakenham for a talk on mystery.
Saw Jim and Anna there — came to support us —
And lots of Norfolk news they kindly brought us.
Mensa at Malvern — lectured about Time —
Its mysteries and secrets are sublime.
In April with George Noory Coast to Coast
He is an absolutely splendid host.
We talked of our new Time book — published by
The Dundurn Group, Toronto. At Versailles —
Last year’s adventures in that book are placed:
The time-slip teachers’ journeys we retraced .
In June, the dinner in King Arthur’s Hall —
A very pleasant evening we recall.
Boscastle Witch Museum: photographs
Of the enchanters and their magic staffs.
Our next book’s about Voodoo: we can state
It will be out in two thousand and eight!
Radio Canada for interview —
We hope that helps to sell a book or two!
Steph and Patricia had a lovely day
Riding the Ferris Wheel in Cardiff Bay.
On Monday nights they have Ruff dancing fun
They’re tired but happy when the dancing’s done!
To Oxford as an ASSAP speaker went —
We are First Lady and their President.
Then on to London — more research on book —
British Museum’s a good place to look.
The Langstone Cliff Hotel, close to Torquay:
A treat for Golden Anniversary,
(This followed on September’s seventh day.)
Saw Iain and Fiona on their way
To tramp around the rugged Princetown Tors
We drove to Widecombe amidst the moors.
Another August trip was when I went
To film a TV show in Broadhurst, Kent.
A BBC commission in September
To write for Countryfile we well remember.
Its first edition lit October’s scene —
It really is a first rate magazine.
September seventh came — Oh! What a day!
A huge stretch limo took us on our way
To a great meal — with Cardiff Bay our goal —
We filled ourselves with wine and Dover sole!
Our loving, generous family were our hosts —
And they proposed our Golden Wedding toasts.
Rick sent a glorious golden-violin frog —
Andy’s great extracts came from Captain’s Log.
We filmed in Shugborough next for French TV:
The Poussin Shepherds there: a mystery!
Then on the bike (big 1500 twin)
Riding with Jumbo for our annual spin.
To Twycross Zoo with all the kids we went —
I’m proud and honoured to be President.
We also had a really marvellous time
Lecturing in Newcastle-under-Lyme.
Then in October lecturing again —
For Funeral Directors to explain
How, when death strikes a loved one, they can give
Their sympathy and help to those who live.
I was extremely honoured and delighted
By Blue Knights Motorcyclists when invited
To be their Chaplain for Wales Chapter One:
My work among those friends has just begun.
Happy to lecture for the APIS day,
A great occasion held down Bedford way.
To speak of unsolved mysteries was our aim:
From the O’Dells a generous welcome came.
We lectured next at Witchfest , Fairfield Hall
In Croydon — where the audience was not small.
David and John — our marvellous Croydon friends
Take care of us so well when lecture ends.
In libraries in Cardiff in December
We’re lecturing again — days to remember.
If you are able to get Coast to Coast
Via Internet, or other radio host,
I’m reading Scrooge and Christmas Poem through
On Christmas Eve and on the main day too.
On Christmas Day we shall be having fun
With Stephanie and Moz and everyone
Round at their house: and yes, we have to mention
They’ve got a marvellous new kitchen extension.
That’s the two thousand seven Saga done,
Our love and blessings go to everyone.
May joy and gladness enter at your gate
As you go through two zero zero eight.
May happiness and health ride your life’s train:
Patricia, Lionel and his sister Jane.

- Taylor Herring are a very large and prestigious promotional company based in London. We undertake radio and TV work for them from time to time.
- This was the show that we were promoting for Taylor Herring.
- REM is a radio station in Spain that broadcasts to English residents.
- Coast to Coast is an American broadcast show that attracts millions of listeners.
- Miss Moberly and Miss Jourdain believed that they had experienced a time slip in Versailles in 1901. Their book on it was called “An Adventure”. We retraced their steps as far as possible for our book on Time.
- ASSAP = The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena. Patricia is First Lady and Lionel is President.
- We shall never forget the amazing treat the family gave us for our Golden Wedding. We are immensely grateful to them all. We love and appreciate them very much.
- When we were in the USA together, our great friend Andy wrote a wonderful story about Captain Am – alias Lionel! He sent another piece of it for our Anniversary with an anniversary theme.
- Jumbo GB is a charitable Motorcyclists’ Club that provides fun days out for special needs children, their families and carers. Lionel is very honoured to be their President.
- The Blue Knights are a Police Motorcyclists’ Club. They also do a great deal for charity. Lionel is their Chaplain. APIS = Anglia Psychic Investigation Society. Our friends the O’Dells looked after us very well when we went to lecture for APIS in Bedford.
- Witchfest is organised by The Children of Artemis. There are lectures and workshops on various aspects of magic and the old pagan religions. Lionel lectures on Unsolved Mysteries for them. It is a very enjoyable occasion.

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