As well as his serious academic, educational, theological, philosophical and management science lectures, Lionel is also in demand as an entertaining after-dinner speaker and comedian.
When working as an after-dinner speaker he covers a number of lighter, humorous topics including:--
- Oddities, curiosities and things that shouldn’t have happened.
- Adventures with two wheels and a big engine.
- Life as a journalist: drop the dead donkey.
- Life as a teacher.
- What is education really about?
- Show-biz reminiscences.
- Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy.
- A Vaultful of Horror Stories
- History of Humour
- What is Humour?
- Jokes Old and New
- Eccentric Characters
- Weird Folklore and Strange Superstitions
- Myths, Legends and Tales Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow:
- Where are we going – and why?
- The Ugly Head of Ageism needs Decapitating
- Strange Words, Quaint Phrases and a few tricks with numbers
- The great ‘Ifs’ of History. Things might have been so different.
- The Old Norfolk Dialect and a few Norfolk Stories Poetry can be Fun!
- Stand up and be Counted! Defend your own Opinion!
Details of fees and expenses and booking arrangements for these after-dinner talks from, Patricia