The Fanthorpes’ Christmas Saga December 2008
The year began as busily as ever
Writing and teaching and such-like endeavour:
Across the keyboard, fingertips were seen
Working for "Countryfile" -- the magazine.
"Thought for the Day" for BBC in Kent,
Then Welsh Academy - that's time well spent -
Helping new writers to achieve success.
And News Review, BBC Wales, no less.
George Noory's show (with early morning toast)
We love to work with him on "Coast to Coast".
In Febr'y to the Probus Club I spoke,
In Dinas Powys, where we shared a joke.
The History Society in Gwent
To lecture for an evening, there we went.
BBC Wales again in March, and then
Across the wide Atlantic once again
To do a TV show down in LA.
Mensa at Malvern was our next foray.
April was quiet: but work was still in reach -
Cardiff Academy - that's where I teach.
In April too, we started the next book -
On "Undiscovered Treasure" -- have a look.
It will be out in spring, thanks to Dundurn,
Months of research - exciting things to learn!
In May off to the U.S.A. once more,
Promoting "Bloodline" for "1244."
They are the company, and the film they made
Brings the Rennes saga up out of the shade.
Had a good time with Rick while in New York:
Caught up with all his news - had a great talk.
Fiona, Zac and Katie came to stay:
That was another very happy day.
In June, Tintagel, in King Arthur's Hall:
The annual dinner greatly pleased us all.
Then filming up in Shugborough, Bleue TV
Their Templar documentary you must see.
A broadcast next for Swansea Radio -
Then - great surprise - to hospital I go!
Cardiff at first; then Paddington St Mary's -
To cure the problem when a heartbeat varies.
All put right now: it could have been far worse:
Warm thanks to every doctor, every nurse.
Deep gratitude to all the family --
Whose faithful love brought them to visit me.
Derek and Enid, many thanks from me -
Hosting Patricia and our Stephanie.
Then in July to Harley Street we go:
Had all my stitches out - quite a neat row!
Fiona, Zac and Katie - lovely day.
For Scooter broadcast in the USA.
In August with the Reaneys, for a meal.
Car wouldn't start - so Stephanie took the wheel!
A lovely night it was - I shan't get thinner
While friends like them invite us out for dinner!
I made a film with Kane - a good theme too -
To show what over-fifties still can do.
Discworld in Birmingham with Terry P.
That also was a lovely place to be.
For Taylor Herring did much radio quoting
For Warner Brothers films that they're promoting.
September seventh Anniversary Lunch
Delicious wine and food for us to munch!
With Moz and Steph we had another meal -
Good family and good friends are the ideal.
Another "Coast to Coast" then Jumbo Run -
Bikers give special kids a day of fun!
A marvellous weekend next with Dave and John
In Croydon - Oh! How fast the year has gone!
To Rockingham for photos for our book
An ancient castle there -- well worth a look.
With Iain and Fiona, Zac and Kate
We stayed the night in Gloucester - it was great!
Patricia had a special birthday feast
Among her presents, it was not the least!
It was such joy to see her sparkling eyes
When Moz and Steph arranged a big surprise.
Fiona, Iain, Zac and Katie too -
All kept the secret well - warm thanks to you!
Ruff Country Dance friends came to wish her well
Then lovely party photos - really swell!
Canadian radio show - that was OK,
Then Pat and Steph went down to Cardiff Bay.
Norwegian Church for film launch there with Kane --
They liked the show and want me there again!
Then Newport Library lecture - writing school -
That all went well - the big new library's cool.
To friends in Rumney Tavern next we lectured
On mysteries and phenomena conjectured.
Then down to Plymouth for Armadacon -
For twenty years it has been going on.
It was a most enjoyable convention
And there's another thing we have to mention:
As President of ASSAP there is seen
My column in their monthly magazine.
I also write for "Paranormal" ‘zine -
Welcome addition to our writing scene.
We had an early Christmas celebration
For those who're going to African nation:
Fiona, Iain and the family
Will spend their Christmas there on Safari!
(A rhyme like that is obviously forced -
And my poetic licence is endorsed!!!!)
Christmas Memorial Service at Thornhill
The Wenallt Chapel there they always fill.
Broadcast again - guest of Scooter McGee -
And then four Christmas Dinners! Mercy me!
The Signals Corps; Cardiff Academy;
The Blue Knights next - then Moz and Stephanie.
Two thousand eight and that's the Saga done,
Our love and blessings go to everyone.
May joy and gladness wait just down the line
As you go through two zero zero nine.
May happiness and health ride your life's train:
Patricia, Lionel and his sister Jane.

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