The Fanthorpes’ Christmas Saga December 2009
Before the month of January was spent
We did a broadcast show for Radio Kent.
Fiona came to see us for the day
And showed us pictures from her holiday.
In February I talked on mystery
To friends who like to study history.
In March to Milton Keynes we ventured, where
Edge Media put our visit on the air.
Patricia with our Stephanie took a ride
To town; then we were off to Humberside
To join our ASSAP friends for training day
On how to study ghosts the proper way!
Fiona came to see us; then we went
To Moz and Steph where Mother's Day was spent.
In April did a broadcast Coast to Coast -
Our friend George Noory is a splendid host.
To Dorset then to film for TV show
Accompanied by our good friend Robert Snow.
Enjoyed the family company once again
And watched Fiona dancing in Lisvane.
Their dancing tells a fluent, graceful story -
The troop goes by the name of England's Glory.
Then on an eight-mile walk for charity
Patricia was accompanied by Steph'nie.
Next for the Welsh Academy as Mentor
Assisting writers working with that Centre.
In June - we never shall get any thinner -
Delicious food and wine: King Arthur's Dinner!
Conducted wedding next for Phil and Anna
Up in St Neots flew their wedding banner!
Called in at Longford as we travelled back
To see Fiona, Iain. Kate and Zac.
Then Broadcast on the Axis Stevil Show
They're in the USA on radio.
Had lunch with Steph and Moz on Father's Day;
Then off with Rolling Hills we made our way
With Peter Gosling at the Berkley Arms:
A welcome hostelry amidst the farms.
Fiona came to see us for the day
An open bus tour - lunch in Cardiff Bay.
Then Radio Cyprus miles across the sea
They did a phone in show that featured me!
Still in July, in cinema Pat got a
Seat with our Steph to watch new Harry Potter.
Surgeons fixed Lionel's hernia - it's true -
Repair job means it's just as good as new!
Before the merry month of August ends
We are in Beetley - Horace and his friends
Arranged a great reunion for the School
The celebrations there were really cool.
Saw John and Barbara while we were there;
Caught up on all the news we had to share.
Zac and Fiona visited by day
Then overnight, we're glad to have them stay.
Presented film awards we have to mention
Our good friend Binda ran the Film Convention.
GCSE Results - Zac was well rated -
We took him out to lunch and celebrated.
Baptism service next at Vale Hotel
The parents and their baby all looked swell.
September: Wedding Blessing Kidderminster -
No longer are they bachelor and spinster.
Our anniversary meal - the fifty second:
The family gathered round us and we reckoned
How blessed we were to have them all to share.
Life is so good with folks like them to care.
Ray asked us to his home to share a meal -
He helps with our computers a good deal.
Then came the famous annual Jumbo Run
Where we help children to enjoy the fun.
St Mellons for a Christening service then
I'm on Sky News and broadcasting again.
Another Taylor Herring radio day
In London where we're always glad to stay.
The Harvester: Patricia's birthday meal
Then Cosmeston - the lake has great appeal.
Fiona ran ten K, that was a lark,
Assisting charity around Bute Park.
Jane and Patricia went to cheer her on
But lots of rain descended them upon!
I lectured for my friends at Unison
On unsolved mysteries from the past long gone.
In Thorpe Park then for photos for the press
What caused the problems there no-one can guess!
Recorded next for Rob, the Silence Show,
Presented it for local radio.
To Birmingham with Peter and with Lyn -
So well looked after when they took us in.
A funeral service there brings tears to tell -
A gallant lady who served Jumbo well.
Then did a show for Radio Liverpool:
Armadacon in Plymouth - that was cool.
Royal Signals Presentation - it was great -
Then Christian Radio: much to relate.
Next off to Nelson and Llanfabon too
Conducting service there we love to do.
A great weekend in Croydon: John and Dave
Take care of us so well - our lives they save!
Conducted Christmas service in December
Up at Thornhill where loved ones we remember.
Royal Signals Dinner next, then radio
With Michael Long in USA, you know.
Then off to France for Enigma TV
The shows we're making there you soon will see.
Our turn this year to host the Christmas Spread
I think we'll start the New Year off in bed!
Our love and blessings to you all we send,
To every family member and each friend.
Deep in our hearts you know that you remain:
Patricia, Lionel and his sister Jane.
We did a broadcast show for Radio Kent.
Fiona came to see us for the day
And showed us pictures from her holiday.
In February I talked on mystery
To friends who like to study history.
In March to Milton Keynes we ventured, where
Edge Media put our visit on the air.
Patricia with our Stephanie took a ride
To town; then we were off to Humberside
To join our ASSAP friends for training day
On how to study ghosts the proper way!
Fiona came to see us; then we went
To Moz and Steph where Mother's Day was spent.
In April did a broadcast Coast to Coast -
Our friend George Noory is a splendid host.
To Dorset then to film for TV show
Accompanied by our good friend Robert Snow.
Enjoyed the family company once again
And watched Fiona dancing in Lisvane.
Their dancing tells a fluent, graceful story -
The troop goes by the name of England's Glory.
Then on an eight-mile walk for charity
Patricia was accompanied by Steph'nie.
Next for the Welsh Academy as Mentor
Assisting writers working with that Centre.
In June - we never shall get any thinner -
Delicious food and wine: King Arthur's Dinner!
Conducted wedding next for Phil and Anna
Up in St Neots flew their wedding banner!
Called in at Longford as we travelled back
To see Fiona, Iain. Kate and Zac.
Then Broadcast on the Axis Stevil Show
They're in the USA on radio.
Had lunch with Steph and Moz on Father's Day;
Then off with Rolling Hills we made our way
With Peter Gosling at the Berkley Arms:
A welcome hostelry amidst the farms.
Fiona came to see us for the day
An open bus tour - lunch in Cardiff Bay.
Then Radio Cyprus miles across the sea
They did a phone in show that featured me!
Still in July, in cinema Pat got a
Seat with our Steph to watch new Harry Potter.
Surgeons fixed Lionel's hernia - it's true -
Repair job means it's just as good as new!
Before the merry month of August ends
We are in Beetley - Horace and his friends
Arranged a great reunion for the School
The celebrations there were really cool.
Saw John and Barbara while we were there;
Caught up on all the news we had to share.
Zac and Fiona visited by day
Then overnight, we're glad to have them stay.
Presented film awards we have to mention
Our good friend Binda ran the Film Convention.
GCSE Results - Zac was well rated -
We took him out to lunch and celebrated.
Baptism service next at Vale Hotel
The parents and their baby all looked swell.
September: Wedding Blessing Kidderminster -
No longer are they bachelor and spinster.
Our anniversary meal - the fifty second:
The family gathered round us and we reckoned
How blessed we were to have them all to share.
Life is so good with folks like them to care.
Ray asked us to his home to share a meal -
He helps with our computers a good deal.
Then came the famous annual Jumbo Run
Where we help children to enjoy the fun.
St Mellons for a Christening service then
I'm on Sky News and broadcasting again.
Another Taylor Herring radio day
In London where we're always glad to stay.
The Harvester: Patricia's birthday meal
Then Cosmeston - the lake has great appeal.
Fiona ran ten K, that was a lark,
Assisting charity around Bute Park.
Jane and Patricia went to cheer her on
But lots of rain descended them upon!
I lectured for my friends at Unison
On unsolved mysteries from the past long gone.
In Thorpe Park then for photos for the press
What caused the problems there no-one can guess!
Recorded next for Rob, the Silence Show,
Presented it for local radio.
To Birmingham with Peter and with Lyn -
So well looked after when they took us in.
A funeral service there brings tears to tell -
A gallant lady who served Jumbo well.
Then did a show for Radio Liverpool:
Armadacon in Plymouth - that was cool.
Royal Signals Presentation - it was great -
Then Christian Radio: much to relate.
Next off to Nelson and Llanfabon too
Conducting service there we love to do.
A great weekend in Croydon: John and Dave
Take care of us so well - our lives they save!
Conducted Christmas service in December
Up at Thornhill where loved ones we remember.
Royal Signals Dinner next, then radio
With Michael Long in USA, you know.
Then off to France for Enigma TV
The shows we're making there you soon will see.
Our turn this year to host the Christmas Spread
I think we'll start the New Year off in bed!
Our love and blessings to you all we send,
To every family member and each friend.
Deep in our hearts you know that you remain:
Patricia, Lionel and his sister Jane.

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