
"All levels, all ages, many subjects."
We offer individual tuition for students ranging from youngsters learning to read right up to higher degrees for post graduates.
Lionel has had many years of highly successful teaching experience, finishing with ten years as a Comprehensive High School Head Teacher in Cardiff, Wales, UK. His own qualifications include a Government Teaching Certificate with Advanced Main Subject Distinction issued by Cambridge University's Institute of Education, an Upper Second Class Honours Degree, a post-graduate Fellowship of the College of Preceptors (equivalent to a Masters degree) and Fellowship of the Chartered Institute of Management (equivalent to an MBA or M.Sc in Management Science). He also has many years of experience as an Examiner and Moderator for various Public Examination Boards.
He's Director of Media Studies at Cardiff Academy
Tuition fees are only £20 or $35 (USA) per hour, and tutorial help can be supplied via e-mail or normal post to clients unable to visit Cardiff for personal tuition.
Fees for postal tuition are paid in advance, and are charged at the same hourly rate plus postal/e-mail costs.
Mathematical Short Cuts
Over many years of maths teaching, I have developed three helpful little short cuts, which I am happy to share with maths students who may find them useful. I have for fun called them “Fanthorpe’s Three Constants”. They are respectively: the square root of ¾ (Square root of 0.75); the square root of 2 and the square root of 3.
Take an equilateral triangle and multiply the side by the square root of ¾. This gives the vertical height of the triangle so that you can then find the area quickly and easily by using the standard formula (area of a triangle = half the base X its vertical height).
To find the diagonal of a square multiply the side by the square root of 2.
To find the diagonal of a cube, multiply the side by the square root of 3.